New club promotes kindness in school

Grayslake North welcomes a new club that is aimed at promoting and recognizing kindness.
“This club is still in the starting phase. At our last meeting, we came up with the name REACT, Reaching Everyone Around Our Community Together. Being in REACT is all about going out of your way, helping others, and making a positive impact on the community. I think the goal of the club is to make GNHS and the community a more positive and encouraging place,” said Christopher Guhl, a member of REACT.
Club meetings are held on Tuesday mornings at 7:15 in the library.
“Our mission statement is to promote and recognize kindness in the world in our school and in our community, fostering an environment of optimism and positivity,” said Julia Burkel, co-sponsor of REACT.
The club is open to any and all students who are focused on making a positive impact in the school and community.
“It’s awesome to have a group of kids supporting the idea that we should be kinder and more supportive of one another. The members we have so far are extremely creative and optimistic, and I think we’re going to do big things,” said Stephanie Church, co-sponsor of REACT.
People join this club to help make a difference.
“We’ve emphasized that we’re not necessarily ‘anti’ anything; we simply want to share a little kindness with those people around us,” Church said.
The club is to spread kind acts through the school.
“Being in this club, I don’t necessarily feel like a better person, but I do feel good about how my actions make a difference to other people’s days,” Guhl said.