Cup of Commentary

In the past couple of columns, I found that I was critiquing quite a few new initiatives taken by the school. For this reason, I felt it necessary to take a step back and relax, since overall, the school has been doing a pretty good job (as demonstrated by the Niche ratings and Dr. Roscoe’s award). However, there is something else that has been on my mind, something that has become my new hobby after school: trying to find a roommate.
As many seniors are well aware, college deadlines are sneaking up, which means that many will have to decide where exactly they would like to attend, which, for many, also means wher to sleep, eat, interact and live at. I have made the decision of attending Illinois State University in the fall, however, that does not mean that my college planning is over. As if writing countless scholarship essays, making lists for dorm apparel and finishing my senior year strong wasn’t stressful enough, I now have to advertise for a roommate on various social media networks, which would entail writing a tedious, five sentence autobiography in hopes that someone finds you just a least bit interesting.
Not only does one need to compose such a critical piece of literature, but they must also spend a great deal researching future acquaintances, adding much more complexity to the process. One may have the unfortunate experience of looking at Facebook photos, posts and tagged photos from 2011 (this is where my mother says “I told you so”). Obviously, these pieces could very well not convey the individual in a truthful manner, but one can’t help but to think that the 20 different oversaturated middle school selfies with Comic Sans type on them are, well, just a bit tacky.
Despite the careful investigative work that must be put in while searching for a roommate, I truly don’t believe that it’s the worst thing about the whole experience. Prospective college students know they will one day find a roommate and other great friends in college, despite the absence of their high school pals. However, the bittersweetness of the situation is that best friends will too find roommates. They will carry on about him/her, just as you will your own, and it will be an exciting experience for both. It is a bit hard to not compare prospective roommates with my current friends, some of which I’ve known for 10 years or more. Yet, it is important to embrace the change that this experience provokes, as it certainly will not be the last time colleges challenge their students.