Superfans cheer on football team at home
Last two football games sell out with the help of superfans and family supporting the Knights football team.
Once the news broke out that games were starting, Knights students and fans made the most of the North football games attending the home games in superfan style.
Superfan leaders Luke Lenning, Danny Gores, Matt Bucich, and Justin Lyons organized and planned with the athletic staff a safe and fun way to attend the games.
here was a lot of excitement from the school and fans to be able to attend football, soccer, volleyball and all of the games. Because the pandemic is not over, there are rules everyone has to follow to ensure for the safety of the students, their families, the community, and the players, as a COVID test can end their season.
“Student fans are allowed to attend games at North once all families have secured their allotted tickets. All fans need to wear masks, secure tickets, be symptom free and have their temperature taken upon arrival. Fan attendance has been strong. Two of our football games this season sold out. Currently we are only allowed to have 25% of our seating capacity at indoor events and events on our stadium field,” said athletic director Tina Woodlard.
Even with 25% attendance, the superfan leaders are doing everything possible getting the word out about football games and upcoming events. At these past football games, the tickets sold out as students were fired up for football being the last year for some.
“Even though we can’t pack the stands as we used to, the energy feels the same as the students are cheering and letting the football players hear the energy,” said superfan leader Luke Lenning.
At the three home games, fans still showed their pride as they were dressing by theme with jersey night, white out, and black out. With away games, even though student fans can’t attend and show their Knight pride in person, live streams and events are still available for students to attend. During the basketball season with limited amounts of tickets for family members only, the fans made sure to tune into the live streams watching the Knights on the court.
“We had social events. Like one time the school had a boys North Knights soccer game, and at halftime went inside to a big screen in the gym to be able to watch the North football game against Antioch, having bag throwing and spike ball in the gym as well,” said superfan leader Matt Bucich.