Top SuperBowl Commercials of 2014

Here are the top ten SuperBowl commercials from 2014. Some are silly, some are serious, but they all captured attention. Without further ado, here they are.

#10 Toyota

Toyota’s promotion of their new crossover vehicle used the Muppets and Terry Cruz in a completely silly manner. It brought out some chuckles and was able to crack the top ten.

#9 Cheerios

This commercial appealed to the many young families watching the game. Overall, it was a cute commercial, but it did feature a comedic twist at the end. Viewers were left chuckling at the negotiation of new family members between a father and daughter.

#8 RadioShack

This one was really cheesy, yet still entertaining. Viewers were able to get some comic relief during the Bronco beat-down as characters from the 80s cleared RadioShack of its inventory, making way for a brand new shack. Cameos included Alf and Chuckie the doll.

#7 TurboTax

TurboTax has a lot of witty commercials pointing out that you should be the one to do your taxes. The SuperBowl edition compared a guy who’s team wasn’t in the game to watching his crush go to prom with some other dude, and that doing your taxes on TurboTax would make him feel better. This commercial allowed for plenty of laughter as we watched that other dude dance with the crush at prom.

#6 Microsoft

Any true football fan knows who Steve Gleason is. To promote the technology that they produce, Microsoft had Mr. Gleason use his Microsoft powered voice to narrate their commercial. The commercial showed dozens of inspirational applications for Microsoft technology. Overall, it was a respectful commercial.

#5 Volkswagon

Volkswagon decided to go with humor this year, as they announced that as a VW reaches 100,000 miles, a German engineer gets his wings. The commercial went on to show this happening, at the worst possible times. It was silly and entertaining, definitely worth a top five spot.

#4 Doritos

Doritos had two commercials, but I’m talking about the first one. Unbeknownst to most viewers, all of the Doritos commercials were created by amateur directors. In this ad, a little boy cons a man out of Doritos as payment for a time machine. An old man kicks the boy out of the yard he built the time machine. The guy who got his Doritos conned emerges from the time machine to find the old man, thinking he is in the future, while the audience is left cracking up.

#3 Pistachios

This was actually two commercials that were aired thirty seconds apart. The first one was a Ron Burgandy- esque promoter (because it was Stephen Colbert) with a straightforward explanation: that pistachios themselves are enough to warrant demand. However, the second commercial stated that the first ad was not enough because pistachio sales had not skyrocketed. That was already enough to get viewers to start laughing. The promoter and the room he was in were also dressed in gaudy and outrageous fashion to spark some chuckling. Then, to top it all off with a dramatic finish to get people to buy pistachios (and keep with the theme of splitting open pistachios from previous commercials), the promoters head split open like a pistachio shell to reveal his face again on a fresh, green pistachio. This caused enough laughter to carry over into the next commercial and miss its point.

#2 Budweiser

This commercial really tugged at the heart strings. Last year, Bud played on the companionship between a horse and its breeder, as they get reunited in the end. This year, they added a golden retriever puppy to the mix. The horse befriended the puppy this time and allowed the puppy to unite with the breeder. Viewers experienced a real heart- warming feeling after this ad.

#1 Dannon Oikos

We have already seen John Stamos in a Greek yogurt commercial this year that appealed only to middle aged women who grew up alongside Stamos. What we did not see coming was a Full House mini episode in a Greek yogurt commercial. It started off with just Stamos and a woman, and was turning into a sexy- type commercial,but then Bob Saget and Dave Coulier appeared to spoil Uncle Jesse’s fun once again, as families of the 90s shed tears from laughter.