Review: “Brain on Fire” (2016)

Movie poster for 2016 movie Brain on Fire directed by Gerard Barret.

Movie poster for 2016 movie “Brain on Fire” directed by Gerard Barret.

“Brain on Fire,” a 2016 drama, shows the difficulty that a young woman goes through as she struggles with the disease anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis. This disease is a type of brain inflammation that has physical side effects like fatigue and headaches as well as psychological effects like hallucinations and delusions. If untreated, it can lead to increased blood pressure and heart rate, and even result in seizures. “Brain on Fire” is a great drama that will bring lots of empathy and suspense. 

Directed by Gerard Barret, the movie follows the life of a young journalist, Susannah Cahalan. Susannah Cahalan works at the “New York Post” as an upcoming young journalist. She starts to have seizures and hears different voices in her head. After going to the doctor, nothing was found. This erratic behavior continues to go on, and she is eventually admitted into a hospital for a longer stay. Many doctors had met with Susannah and her family, and nobody could quite give the current diagnosis. She finally meets with this one doctor who figures out she has a rare autoimmune disease. 

“Brain on Fire” really leaves viewers with a range of emotions. The start of the movie makes people feel joyous for Susannah, as she has her dream job, a boyfriend, and everything she could ask for. As the movie progresses, Susannah slowly starts to fall into this illness. It gives off a sense of suspense as to what will happen next. Susannah lands this really big story right as her illness is starting to get worse and she bombs the interview, which really makes the reader feel bad for Susannah and root for her to find her way again. But, as she starts to go on the road to recovery, the watcher starts to gain a sense of relief for Susannah.  

“Brain on Fire” is a very enjoyable movie that leaves you with a range of emotions, from sadness to relief. The actors fit their roles perfectly and all together is put together very well. The range of emotions that each actor portrays as the plot starts to climax is done tremendously well. The movie has various aspects that really toy with one’s emotions in order to feel the true pain that the characters go through as the story progresses, but it is worth watching.