Colleges offer virtual visits for prospective students

This can be a stressful time of year for seniors as they begin to apply to college and begin to do more research for where they want to go.  

Usually, colleges are open for students to do in-person visits, but the COVID-19 pandemic is stopping this from happening at some colleges. So the million-dollar question is, how are students going to do college visits online?

Colleges have thought this through, and many are offering virtual college visits and some are doing a modified version of in-person visits. Another thing that colleges may do is allow students to sit in on virtual classes to see what a day in that major may look like. 

“We normally don’t have students sit in on virtual classes, but if it’s something that you would be interested in, I’m sure I could set something up,” said Emma Philipps, an admissions counselor from The Milwaukee School of Engineerings.

Once students get a college visit planned, they will want to ask some important questions that may set some colleges out from other colleges.  

“Ask about what your major would look like, what a typical day at [college] would look like and ask about financial aid,” Philipps said.

A useful resource that North has to aid students in a college search is the college and career center. Christine Applehans, student services secretary for the College and Career Center, is in there to help students with the college search, and she can help with anything college related. Students are able to ask her any questions that they may have about college, and she will be able to get an answer as soon as she can. When students are back to school, she is also able to help students in person with the application process and scholarships.

“My office hours are 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., and generally, I can meet with students via Zoom anytime during those hours,” Applehans said.   

Counselors are also able to help students with any questions they may have regarding colleges and scholarships.  Students just have to schedule an appointment to meet with them, and they will be able to talk and answer questions.

“The students’ counselor is always available to guide, as am I,” Applehans said.

There are plenty of resources that are available to students that can get them the help they need. The school really wants to help seniors get accepted to all of the colleges they would like, and they are prepared to answer any questions students may have.