North hosts annual Wellness Fair
Last week, Grayslake North hosted a Wellness Fair for the student body. Many companies and programs came in to speak with students about their future.
The Wellness Fair was full of many booths with all different job options and tools you can use to deal with the stress of school or anything else. Students were able to go down to the fair during their gym, health, or lunch periods. Some of the jobs options were nursing, fire fighters, the Navy and the Marine Corps. Then the stress free part of the fair was full of booths that give students the option to sit down and paint or go pet a few therapy dogs. Students had free reign of the whole fair, being able to sit with the people who ran the booths and learn more about the job world.
“There were many opportunities for [jobs such as] sports, financial and engineering,” said sophomore Natalia Quevedo.
Grayslake North hosts the Wellness Fair every year to help the students that don’t have a plan for after high school or college find their way.

Students engage with military officials.