Students get involved in election judging

On the morning of November 6, students will arrive at their assigned voting site and start the process of helping with the election.
“I volunteered because I thought it was a cool opportunity and would look good on college applications and my resume,” said senior Kelly Spindler.
“Volunteering encompasses being able to sit still for 12 hours. You approve the ballots and direct the people where to vote,” said senior Gabe Vallejo.
Citizens involve themselves with politics to help better their community and to improve laws in which they believe in.
“People get involved in politics to improve their communities and get policy into law that helps forward their particular interests,” said Government teacher Erin Wise.
On Election Day, volunteers have to be at their designated location early in the morning to help set up for the long day.
“When you volunteer, you go in at like 5:00 a.m. and set up the polling site. After that, when someone comes in, you have to verify that they are who they say they are and give them the appropriate ballot. At the end of the day, around 8:00 p.m., we close voting and then pack up the site and count the ballots. It’s a very long day. I was there last time from 4:30 a.m. until after 10:00 p.m.,” Spindler said.
Voting creates a system where we are able to have both Democratic and Republicans.
“Voting is necessary to keep our country Democratic and Republican,” Wise said.
When helping out your community, you get to bond with new people and to get others involved in volunteering.
“Going into it, I didn’t know what to expect. It is a very long day, and there are times when it can get draining. I first volunteered during the primaries, so voter turn up was lower than usual. Because of that, there would be lulls of no one coming for a few hours. The rush times are very busy and a little chaotic, but you get through it. You bond with all the other people at your site in a cool way. You’re all just trying to stay awake and entertained,” Spindler said.