Coaches prepare for summer camps

Coaches from all athletic departments have been preparing plans for this summer’s sports camps. From volleyball to cross country, students have the opportunity to attend these camps and strengthen their individual skills.
Sam Baker, varsity football coach, tells the significance of being able to use this time to practice.
“It helps the players focus and develop skills and fundamentals in their position as well as be introduced to our culture and offensive and defensive schemes,” Baker said
Jim Sarver, varsity volleyball coach, stresses that this time can be use to improve one’s’ skills individually.
“The season really focuses on working together as a team, during camp, we really want our athletes to be able to focus on improving their individual skills with drills specific to their position,” Sarver said “That way, they can become better players once the season starts.”
Summer sports camps are also a great way to help athletes train through the off season of their sport.
“When it comes to running, consistency is one of biggest factors in improving and achieving a greater fitness,” said varsity cross country coach Anthony DeStephano “ The best way athletes should train during the off season is to consult their coaches. If an athlete does multiple sports, they could be risking injury or even burnout by attempting to train for multiple sports at once.”
Freshmen can also be introduced to the program and sport through the camp. It serves as a way to get to know the coaches and schedule.
“Our freshmen lift and practice with the sophomores through seniors and they get acclimated very quickly on how we do things,” Baker said.
“On day one we like to go around and have everyone introduce themselves to everyone, no matter what year they are. This helps breaks the ice on learning everyone’s names and a little about each other,” DeStephano said.
Coaches don’t use this time to strain athletes, but instead prepare them for the season to come.
“We aren’t tackling and hitting during camp like we are doing the season. The season is more of a grind mentally than camp is,” Baker said.
“Camp is really focused on individual skills and fun, it’s not as intense as regular season,” Sarver said.
Contact coaches to find out more about camp or clinic dates in the summer.