PSP collects 15,000 pounds of food


Students and staff collected over 15,000 pounds of food in the annual PSP food drive to help local organizations. Public Service Practicum put together the food drive to help people struggling during this holiday season. Their goal was to raise as much nonperishable and canned food as possible, with help from students at North and the surrounding community.
“The PSP food drive will help people who are dealing with food insecurity in the surrounding area. We will be donating all the food to the Northern Illinois Food Bank,” said senior Marley Przanowski.
The food drive started on November 13 and continued until December 1. Donations are being collected in cardboard boxes outside of the lunchroom during the school days. Students taking the elective also went into neighborhoods on November 11 and collected nonperishable food from homes.
“Running out from your car to doorsteps is quite a workout! Once you see the car fill up with food, it’s a great feeling, though,” said senior Shaina Lesniewicz.
Graduating classes and staff will all be competing against one another during the event. The ones with the highest amount of food collected will be allowed a free heart rate day in their gym class.
Chris Kubic teaches the two-semester elective at North. The class focuses on community issues and helps show students how to make a real difference in their town. Other than the annual food drive, Kubic has put together sleep outs, hurricane relief help and has participated in Rachel’s Challenge a number of times.
“The class includes things like presentations, time management and respect. It basically raises awareness of local issues,” Kubic said.