Football starts season with new coach, opportunities


Not only has a new promising season approached the Knights, but a new head varsity coach has stepped onto the turf to take the reins from Steve Wood to continue the tradition of perseverance and positivity on and off the field.

“Just like any other year, the boys continue to have lots of lifting and practices with seven on seven, like our 25 days of summer. We also had leadership meetings every other day,” said head coach Sam Baker.
With high expectations from the successful past season, the team is hoping to take the conference title this season and make it further through the playoffs to bring their school pride. The boys continue to be zealous regarding the new opportunities that will approach them throughout the season.

“Game day is something that you only experience one time in your life. You have so many emotions and you are so excited to go out and play that you can’t focus in school. I love running out of the tunnel in home games to the screaming fans,” said junior Austin Martineau.

Even on the off season, the players continue to work to improve themselves so it pays off during game time. Whether it’s lifting at the gym during the week, participating in camps, or visiting other coaches, the boys put in their fair share of dedication on off days.

“In the winter, I used to go out onto the turf after school, if the weather put up, and just kick field goals for an hour. Improving my technique was a huge asset for me and I wanted to show my commitment,” said senior Nick Wilson.

The Knights are currently 3-2 overall and have an upcoming game on Thursday, September 28, at Wauconda.