Boys golf hopes to accomplish goals

Hitting it into the season, boys golf hopes to have a strong start to the fall season.
Assistant coach Troy Harper helps the boys get ready for the matches.
“We work on basic skills and having them play. Golf is a sport you have to play to get better. Whether it’s playing around or you’re in a putting range, there’s always room for improvement as an individual and as a team,” Harper said.
Junior Kyle Bosshart explains some of his main goals to hopefully accomplish by the end of the season.
“My goal is to do my best to shoot my best and help our team score,” Bosshart said.
For senior Dylan Rowder, good leadership is key for everything.
“Some qualities that make a good leader are that they should be funny, be easy to talk to for help, be serious when needed, and be able to have a good time even when the team is struggling,” Rowder said.
Hopefully by the end of the season, the boys will be able to complete their main goals and help complete their team goals as well.
“I think me and my team may not have the best season record, and I don’t know if we will win a match or not, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that as long as everybody enjoyed the time they had with the team, then it was successful. And this may not be my best year overall, but I have had two of my best scores this year, and it has made me very happy. Hopefully by the end of the season, we will get our first win,” Rowder said.