Time management

Throughout high school, students may find it difficult to manage their time efficiently and effectively between important tests, homework, and even jobs. Time management is a valuable skill that is necessary, for not just high school students, but for everyone to have.
Some people find it easier to manage their time with a mental checklist.
“I think about what I’ll be doing that day, and I have a checklist going through my head and see what I’ll need at that moment and later on that day,” said junior Gaby Silva.
But for some, mental notes do not always work because of busy schedules or just forgetfulness. Writing down what tasks are on the to do lists can be extremely helpful.
“I have a really cute planner that inspires me to write things down, and I schedule my days hour by hour. Splitting up time in ways that works for each category is important,” said junior Lizzie Heick.
Setting time aside to relax is just as important as getting what needs to be done. Working while under stress can lead to poor results. Set time aside to take a breath and think about nothing for a few minutes.
“When I’m stressed, I tend to feel rushed when I’m doing stuff so I just sit down and take a couple deep breaths and encourage myself that I can do it, and I also prioritize my things to do from most important to least. It helps a lot,” Silva said.
People need to get rid of any distractions that may prevent them from getting something done.
“Be organized, and this will sound crazy, but put your phone away while doing homework. We think homework takes too long, but really, we’re on our phones most of the time and procrastinate. It will help a lot and will give you more time to just relax,” Silva said.
Students need to find something that helps to focus better, whether it is music playing in the background or working through it with someone else.
“Listening to music really helps me focus when I’m doing my homework; it also keeps me calm so I don’t stress out about anything,” said sophomore Melanie Juron.
For some, listening to music does the exact opposite.
“I can’t listen to music when I’m doing anything because I just want to jam out, and then later I stress about what I still need to get done,” said junior Tiaira Adams.
Even though certain time management concepts work for some, they may not work for others. It is important to find what works.
“It is important for me to keep everything scheduled around a certain time so I know that I have enough time to get everything done,” Juron said.
It may be hard to manage time efficiently, but it doesn’t have to be.
“It can be difficult most of the time because you aren’t very certain how long some things may take or what interruptions can occur. It’s important not to hold others back because you weren’t ready or caring how it impacts others,” Juron said.
In order to manage time better, put the phone aside, take a deep breath, and focus. Feeling relaxed when there is an overwhelming amount of things to do can help a lot. Most importantly, make sure to take time and not to rush through anything just to get it done.