


*Bzzz* the scoreboard makes a point and everybody is cheering for the basketball players as part of The Big Game on March 10th.
This was the second year that the game was hosted here to promote diversity in the school.
“This started three years ago. It started off with something our life skills program did, and it’s grown massively. Myself and my co-sponsors decided we wanted to do it again this year. So we got the whole team together and everyone was on board with creating it as our Spring assembly. It was a big team effort with everybody, involving a lot of people behind the scenes, which we were so grateful for because nobody could have done this alone. It was a school effort,” said teacher Elizabeth Hauser.
Hosting the game is a lot of work because of the planning and organizing, but it is always worth it at the end.
“(What I think of hosting this game) is that it’s definitely a lot of work, but they did a really good job splitting the work so not just one person did all the work. People are happy to help and to volunteer and do things, so we had a lot of people willing to help. I also thought it was amazing that it could be here where the whole building can come and cheer them on with so much school spirit. It was pretty remarkable,” said teacher Kelly McIntyre.
Not only were the teachers excited about the big game, but so were the students who played.
“I liked the fact that everybody was there to support us and how everybody was paying attention to us playing,” said junior Eddie Wamser.
The staff that was involved for the game did enjoy everything about it, but there is an idea that counselor, Jennifer Stroh, would like to happen in the future.
“Next year I would like if we could incorporate the theme of acceptance and inclusion throughout the remainder of the school day after the game with different activities. I’m not sure what that would look like, but I think making The Big Game an all-day thing would be so impactful for all staff and students,” Stroh said.
The Big Game was something big for the students and for the staff that were part of it.
“(What I liked about it) was seeing other kids and teachers cheering for our Special Olympics team. I also really liked when Joseph Sharken was dribbling and then he dabbed and then he kept on dribbling the ball,” McIntyre said.
The Big Game wasn’t the only thing that the students were cheering on for during the spring assembly.
“The message was announced to remind everyone what we stand for as a Knights Family – kindness, respect and compassion for everyone. We wanted to remind students how powerful their actions and words can be and our hope was for the positive and inclusive spirit of the assembly to continue beyond our field house walls,” said activities director Molly Tomlinson.
District 127 couldn’t have planned The Big Game if it wasn’t for the superintendent, Dr. Catherine Finger.
“Dr. Finger has been our superintendent over the last twelve years and is retiring in June. Therefore, we wanted to express our deepest gratitude for all that she has done for our school and district throughout her tenure here, as well as extend our well wishes for her upon her retirement,” Tomlinson said.