Students welcome Class of 2021


The 2017 eighth grade night occurred for the graduating Class of 2021 on January 10 to help show incoming freshmen their opportunities when entering high school.
“I decided to do theatre because that’s the place where I find most people who share the same beliefs as me and who I can bond with the most. To incoming [students] joining Green Room: a lot of people may seem scary, but do not be afraid to talk to everyone. Green Room is a family, and people really treat it like that,” said freshman Sam Krishak.
Eighth grade night helps incoming students see what clubs and activities are available when entering a new school.
“If students know what’s available to them and what major content areas or themes of the clubs, they not only feel more welcome at Grayslake North, but they feel like they have more opportunities to focus their studies on what they are interested in,” said history teacher Molly Noel.
With all the clubs available at anyone’s reach, the possibilities for joining one are endless, and the clubs are very open to new students joining.
“Getting involved in extracurriculars does a couple things. First thing, it’s proven that [a student’s] GPA will go up if they’re involved in sports or activities. Another reason to join is time management. When you get a job and go to college, you will have to manage your time well in order to succeed, so you will learn [time management] now to be successful. Third reason is finding friends. So seeing these clubs at eighth grade night can help a student figure where they want to be in high school,” said activity director Molly Tomlinson.
Going to eighth grade night is also important to see what is available at that moment instead of when students get to high school.
“Eighth grade night is a night where we get to celebrate the successes. So the older students get to show off their hard work and show how awesome North really is, and it’s a lot of the eighth graders’ first experience with high school, and for it to be warm welcoming and really well organized, first impressions are everything. It’s also all about getting them excited to be here. We want them to be excited about orientation, their first day of school, and joining high school,” Noel said.
Eighth grade night helps incoming freshmen see what there is to come in a new school year, and it helps students to envision where they want to be in the upcoming years to come.