Constructor Review

Constructor, a strategic management simulator offers real-world situations involved in running your own business. Although the game has been away for some time now, it is making a return in 2017.
Originally it was released in 1997 for PC, later ported to consoles developed by System 3 and published by Acclaim.
The game was designed by Phil Thornton and released in 1997. In 2015, System 3 had announced a re-release of the game in HD set to release in 2016, but it was delayed until winter 2017.
Constructor is a strategy and a simulator type game that involves constructing projects such as buildings, houses, etc. After building these occupations, the player must find tenants to pay rent or buy them, so the players’ company can gain income. You accomplish these projects from hiring office workers and supervisors.
The player controls their own construction company split with things such as estates, needing to sell more and gain the most revenue in order to win. In addition, the player can choose not to build estates for “undesirables” who seem skeptical when conversing.
I like this piece because in its prime, it seemed to be one of the first games to give the player full control of owning as well as running a company. The player is an entrepreneur, and the game is a simulator that was way ahead of its time.
Fans will be in awe when the remake in HD does come out in the winter of 2017. The long awaited remake has had fans waiting for 20 years. Acclaim will make a re-release in HD for PC and consoles.