Academic Team continues their competition season in hopes of success

So far Academic Team has had two meets and have started the season out strong Academic Team’s season started in October and will continue until January.

“Our team is much stronger this year on both levels than it was last year. On November ninth, our varsity team won two out of three rounds and our JV team won all three rounds,” said sponsor Evelyn Amelio.

A meet starts with five opponents lining up opposite each other, As the room goes quiet, the speaker asks a question. If someone knows the answer, they lunge for their buzzer and answer the question.

“If they get the question correct, they get ten points and get three bonus round questions each worth ten more points. If nobody knows the answer, the reader goes on to the next question. After sixteen toss up questions and the chance for 16 bonus rounds, whichever team has the most points wins the rounds,” Amelio said.

Academic Team looks for students who have good grades and students who tend to be in AP or honors classes. They also look for kids that are very knowledgeable in a specific subject. They look for students who are good in core academic class but also students who know a lot about sports, entertainment, the arts or astrology. Students join Academic Team for a number of reasons.

“It looks good on college applications. Any academic related club does, something to add to your resume that is not time consuming. Student can really come and go to the meets as they see fitting into their schedules. One of the benefits of our team is that it is a very low time commitment,” Amelio said.

Academic Team is a good option for people who like trivia or have a knowledge of subjects that other students wouldn’t.

“I joined Academic Team freshman year, primarily because it sounded like it would be an interesting thing to do. I like trivia and interesting bits of otherwise useless information, so it sounded like the perfect club,” said senior Jessica Yun.

Weather the best part for members is being able to answer difficult questions or just being with the Academic Team, members and sponsors enjoy the experience.

“I have got to say the people in Academic Team make it an absolute blast. The team is truly like a dysfunctional family. Everyone is welcoming, and we all cover each other’s academic weaknesses. Anybody who is interested, even if they are not confident in their ability, should come to a practice and see how much fun it is,” said junior Samantha Harvey.