School adds gender-neutral bathrooms

As a new addition to the facility, the Board of Education approves the request sent in from LGBQ+ students to implant gender neutral bathrooms.

The bathrooms are to be found at the “T” intersection on the second floor where they can be easily accessed.

“Since last year, we have had the bathrooms in the attendance office, guidance and nurses be gender neutral. This past October, we took the second floor bathrooms to be the same,” said Associate Principal Megan Licht.

The sole purpose of creating the neutral bathrooms was to encourage students to make them feel more comfortable in an environment they are in on a daily basis.

“The neutral gender bathrooms were designed to increase the comfort level of some students in our building, especially students who identify as transgender. These students do not have to deal with the tough choice of choosing a restroom that is defined as ‘women’ or ‘men’. I think this is a good compromise and lets everyone feel comfortable in the building when it comes to restroom use. Transgender students deserve to use the restroom of the gender with which they identify,” said English teacher and SAGA sponsor Chris Fisherkeller.

As society becomes more diverse, equality plays a major role in environments like the school.

“It’s all about equity. There is a population here at North that was not served before and it’s about making it a non-restricted environment to take care of natural functions without feeling they’re not in the right place,” said English teacher and SAGA sponsor Patrick Green.