PE classes host olympic games


The P.E teachers hosted the first ever Olympic Week to get students more involved during homecoming week.

Students had to gather in teams and pick a country to represent during the week. They then had to compete in a variety of different activities.

“Many students really got into it with the dress up, organizing teams, picking a country and also the award ceremony,” said teacher Bobette Byrne.

The first day, the students competed against other team in a home run derby. The objective of the game was to see how many whiffle balls each team could hit over the volleyball net set up at half court.

“We all played this when we were younger in our backyards so it was fun to see how some of the kids could hit several whiffle balls over the net,” Byrne said

On day 2, the students had to go through an obstacle course. The obstacle course consisted of log rolling, running on a balance beam, throwing a bean bag into a hula hoop, and cartwheeling.

The objective of this was to see how fast each team could go through the obstacle course. Many students liked this event because they could get competitive with it.

“This was by far my favorite activity of the week. My team did really well with this too,” said Senior Lily Swanson.

On the third day, the teams had to participate in two activities.

One of the activities was bobsledding. The students had to see how fast their team could make it to the end of the gym and back using scooter boards.

“Not only was it the speed of the event, but teamwork, getting down around the cone the fastest by working together and communicating with each other,” Byrne said

The other activity that the students had to do on the third day was to see how many footballs they could catch for their team in a certain amount of minutes.

There were three different levels for this game and each level gave students a different amount of points. The farther a team threw and caught, the more points they got.

On the fourth day, students competed against other teams in a tug of rope contest.

The students had to use their strength and help from their teammates to tug the rope to their side.

“This activity was really difficult for my team because none of us were super strong,” Swanson said.