Psychology Club starts off a great year


Psychology Club meets every Wednesday after school in A350 to learn about positive psychology through the various projects they are planning for the year.

Senior member Ben Dusek enjoys being able to spend time with his friends at the meetings.

“It’s really fun to work with my friends so we can get each project done in time,” Dusek said.

One of the club’s three senior officers Sarahi Ledesma is excited to revisit some of the projects she did with the club last year in order to expand her knowledge in psychology.

“I’m looking forward to going back to Victory Lakes and talking to its senior residents to learn about them and their life experiences,” Ledesma said.

Another one of the senior officers Joel Thomas has a few different goals for the club to work on achieving this year.

“I’m looking forward to helping out the school on a bigger scale and trying to make sure that the emotional atmosphere is positive. We really just want to help people out in general,” Thomas said.

On September 14, the club ran a Sole Hope event where they cut out the fabric for about 80 pairs of shoes to send to children in Uganda. They have various other projects planned for the year that they are hoping go just as well, if not better.

“We are doing No Stress Fest again this semester as well as next semester, and in October we are planning a Mental Health Awareness Week. We also have a new service project coming up in January to send school supplies to kids who live in a dump in Guatemala,” Thomas said.

The club is always welcoming new members. All they have to do is show up at the meetings.