Freshmen attend orientation, day of service


August 10 where freshmen worked with LINK Crew members to prepare for high school before heading to the day of service at Feed My Starving Children.
Two freshmen, Rhiannon Swanson and Gracie Schultz, worked with their LINK Crew leaders to learn about the school before beginning their first year.
“I feel that orientation showed me where places were and helped me learn the geography of the school a lot better,” Swanson said.
Members of LINK Crew worked with their sponsor Tom New to prepare for this year’s orientation.
“I really believe that students enter the school year less stressed and more prepared because of what the LINK Crew leaders prepare and do on that day,” New said.
Senior member Joel Thomas helped the freshmen get ready to start high school because he remembers how helpful his leaders were when he was a freshman.
“It shows them that it might be scary; it might be full of crazy things, but in the end they’re just going to be in one place with all their friends and they have to make the best of that,” Thomas said.
Orientation not only prepared the freshmen for their first year of high school, but it also showed them that a new school isn’t always as scary as it seems.
“I’m so excited to just meet new people and make a new start with a new school and new school year,” Schultz said.
After spending half the day at the school, about 75 freshmen went to the day of service at Feed My Starving Children, which was planned by the social studies department chair Christopher Kubic.
“I think service is really important, and it’s just a great team building opportunity. So even before freshmen start their high school career, they’re engaged in community service and becoming aware of issues outside of themselves and their community,” Kubic said.
The Durham Bus Company donated their buses and time for the event, and a few of the drivers were so inspired that they stayed to help. They plan to bring this idea back to their company and start a ‘Team Durham’ to continue to volunteer.