Students explain employment decisions

Student jobs consist of working at stores at the mall and also at Six Flags. Students tend to put in many hours outside of school, and it can get quite hectic. When it comes to growing up, teens tend to have a lot of responsibilities.
“I love working, but I also love having fun. Sometimes when I work, my friends end up making plans. It stinks because I feel like I’m somewhat left out,” said senior Valery Alvarado.
Other people may have different opinions on of working, though.
“I personally only work in the summer. When I quit my job at the end of the summer, it was kind of hard a few weeks later with not having any money to spend,” said senior Christina Lizano.
Working a popular job with less hours may be fun to some, but to others, it can mean no money at all.
“It’s hard having to work somewhere that’s popular. A lot of kids work at a populated place, which means that there will be less hours. When I worked, I got no hours at all. It was hard,” said senior Raman Bains.
Working during school may be difficult for some people due to homework or after school activities.
“I worked during the summer, but once school started back up again, I quit my job. It’s hard because I miss the money, but then again I didn’t like how I was the only waitress,” Lizano said.
To many, money is a problem after quitting a job, but for others, it could possibly be the people they’re leaving behind.
“When I quit my job, it was tough. Not only was losing the money hard, but knowing that I was losing my coworkers was even harder. They aren’t just people; they’re like family. You’ve gotten to know these people throughout the time you’ve worked,” Bains said.