LINK Crew welcomes Class of 2019


Chris Kubic

Students help distribute and pack food at Feed My Starving children after a day at orientation.

After a day of games, activities and getting to know the school and each other, the freshmen helped out at a local organization that packs food for children in need.
Orientation started when freshmen arrived at school and were greeted by the Link Crew members applauding them. They then listened to a speech by Tom New, sponsor of Link Crew, about how exciting high school is, which made them feel more comfortable about the transition.
“Orientation was a day full of excitement and anxiety,” New said.
It took him and dozens of Link Crew members months to prepare for orientation. They prepared games and activities, costumes for freshmen to wear, and prepared speeches.
During orientation, freshmen from different middle schools came together and prepared for the upcoming academic year. They each got assigned two or more Link Crew members and participated in activities in order to get to know the school and other students.
“It was definitely stressful preparing for this, but it was worth it in the end,” New said. “We plan on continuing this tradition throughout the years.”
After orientation, freshmen volunteered their afternoon preparing and boxing meals for children in need. They boxed a total of 145 boxes which made 32,320 meals, feeding 86 kids for a year.
“Reading about poverty in books is one thing, but seeing it and doing something about it is truly amazing,” said social studies department chair Chris Kubic.
The school looks forward to continuing this freshman tradition.