Students explore Australia, New Zealand


A group of students and teachers from the Exploring World Culture class took a summer trip to Australia and New Zealand.
On May 30, 2015, the students and teachers flew overseas to visit various cities in New Zealand and Australia.
“We went to New Zealand first, and that was Rotorua and Auckland. And then we went to Australia after that, and that was Sydney and Cairns,” said junior Taylor Gamble.
While in Sydney, Australia, the students and teachers took the opportunity to explore new heights in life.
“My favorite activity on this trip was climbing the Sydney Bridge. The view was absolutely beautiful,” said teacher Keeley Thode.
As for visiting New Zealand, the group attended a high school in Mauri and really connected with the other students they met.
“My favorite part was getting to make all the connections to the people around you, because we went to a high school and met all kinds of Australian students. I still talk to them today,” Gamble said.
Aside from sightseeing, the students experienced what the culture was like in Australia.
“The culture was a lot like America… food-wise, entertainment-wise. It’s expensive down there. The fashion was a little different, which was interesting to see, but overall, the culture was very similar to America’s,” Thode said.
The students in the Exploring World Culture class took the responsibility to prepare their knowledge for the trip.
“To prepare for the trip, we met one Sunday every month to learn what the culture was like in Australia. If we didn’t have the classes, I don’t think the trip would have been as much fun,” said teacher Tom New.
Besides physical activity, teachers and students stepped out of their boundaries and learned new things about Australia, New Zealand, and about themselves.
“I think the best part of the trip, overall, was watching the kids mature over time. We take them across the world and we watch them go from really excited to not really knowing anything to them finding themselves,” Thode said.
The Exploring World Culture class is planning a trip to Japan for the summer of 2016. For further information about this upcoming trip, contact Jill Tomasello.