Choir performs at Harvard for State

The choirs went down to State at Harvard High School on Friday, April 17.
This year, honors treble, honors mixed choir and jazz choir all performed at State. The treble choir earned three Is. The mixed choir received two IIs and one I, and jazz choir received 2 IIs and one I from the judges. “Our hard work paid off,” said senior Travis Ritchie.
The choir students hoped to complete their goals at State.
“Our goals were to get good scores and show our talents and also get constructive feedback,” said teacher Paul Nielsen.
The students were ready to overcome some challenges, too.
“Some challenges are getting along with other people in your section and blending so no voices stick out above the rest. An individual challenge is simple voice control and hitting the right pitches at the right time,” said junior Mackenzie Witt.
Past competitions have gone well. The students compete to their highest abilities.
“GNHS always does well at competitions. We get very high marks from judges and the competitions are always nerve-wracking but fun,” Witt said.
The students warm up in order to sing their best.
“We do warm ups every day and practice and practice and critique ourselves until we learn a song correctly,” Witt said
In addition to competitions, students will always remember choir class.
“I enjoy choir because we have to work as a team and we get to express many different emotions,” Witt said.