Science Olympiad competes at Regionals

Science Olympiad is one of the very few clubs students can join to exercise their brain and also be creative and learn how to build new things.
“We are a club that competes in 23 events. There are 14 students on varsity and five on junior varsity. We compete in building and learning events, with a wide range of science and technology topics,” said Science Olympiad sponsor Megan Finn.
There are exciting activities the team will participate in, such as competing in more events with more students.
“Our Regional Competition was at the College of Lake County on March 14. We were competing against fewer teams at the Regional competition in comparison to what we experienced at the Libertyville competition, so we were hopeful that our team will improve,” said Science Olympiad sponsor Jennifer Grutza.
At the Regional Competition, Jack Miller and Karyn Price won 1st place in the event called Write It Do It.
The team has competed in one other competition on January 24 at the Libertyville High School Invitational against other local schools. Billy Lay and Jack Bielinski won third place in Bridge Building. Allie Zaborowski, Karyn Price and Jason Moens won fourth place in Experimental Design. Jimmy Gandy and Joey Harrison won fifth place in Wright Stuff. They have strategic goals for the next upcoming year.
“We definitely want to place in more events and hopefully make it to State this year and the years to come,” said sophomore Joel Thomas.
They also have some challenges along the way.
“Our biggest struggle is probably being able to get everyone together after school due to everyone’s busy schedules,” said freshman Ryan Okamoto.