Dance team performs at town rival’s competition
The dance team poses after competing at the Grayslake Central Competition.
As the winter sports season comes to an end, the dance team finishes up their second-to-last competition. On Sunday, January 15, the dance team competed at the Grayslake Central Competition.
The dance team has been working hard this winter season to be proud of the performance they leave out on the competition floor. The dance team practices every day in the cafeteria, the dance studio, and both of the gymnasiums to prepare for their competitions. However, the Central competition was two days after the dance team’s conference competition. Usually, there is only one competition on a weekend. Varsity coach Cassie Cowperthwaite talks about the dancers’ dynamic environment regarding the two competitions on the same weekend.
“I was so proud of the changes we made and how we were able to get sharper and stronger each competition leading up to our Central one,” said varsity coach, Cassie Cowperthwaite.
“We added in parts into our routine where we say things to bounce our energy back up, and hyping each other up as well helped our environment stay strong and confident,” Cowperthwaite said.
The dance team performs at the Grayslake Central Competition almost every year. Usually, for the team, the Grayslake Central Competition is their second to last competition of the season. Dancers of the team reflect on the growth made by their peers and themselves this year regarding their last competition. The two varsity captains, Nicole Pierre and Jenna Hamilton, and the junior varsity captain, Carolina Lozano, describe the growth and energy they felt from their teams regarding these last competitions.
“I feel like everyone felt more comfortable with the routine and the speed of the season as a whole. With that being said, our scores only improved from the first competition, which is saying a lot considering we placed at our first,” said JV captain Carolina Lozano.
“I noticed that our synchronization improved a lot at our Central competition. That was our best performance. Our scores improved a lot at our last two competitions, and I am proud of everyone on the team for putting in the work to make the routine look better. Comparing our first comp to our last few shows how much we really improved. We work very well together, and I am so excited for the next competitions!” said one of the varsity captains Jenna Hamilton.
“From our Grayslake Central Competition, I was able to see how far we’ve come and what more we needed to improve on. I saw the strengths and weaknesses; Although I had some mixed feelings towards our performance at Central, including myself, I think it worked as good feedback from the judges. It showed us what to directly improve on in practice for our future competitions,” said one of the varsity captains Nicole Pierre.
There was much love for the routine that the dance team produced at the competition. Especially from 8 count audio; 8 Count Audio is a dance organization that reviews competitions on social media to keep the community updated. They upload reviews of dance teams’ performances and ‘Hot Takes’, short slogans regarding the dance. They also provide service and help for the teams. 8 Count Audio had nothing but positive feedback in their review for the Grayslake Central Competition.
“Hot Take: tasty visuals on the menu”, said dance organization, 8 Count Audio.
“Fave aspects: Strong partner stunts! The Kip-ups group nailed it. Love that infinity transition into the wide X, and then that upper torso expansion. Love right after the tutting: They didn’t rush or anticipate the movement into the knee slide”, said 8 Count Audio.
As the weekend ends on a successful note, the team now hyper-focuses on the upcoming competitions in their future. Within their focus, the excitement for next year’s season settles in as well.
“Overall, seeing from when we first learned our routine to our first competition at Mundelein to our Grayslake Central Competition I have seen immense growth within this team,” Pierre said.