Review: Pitbull’s Can’t Stop Us Now Tour

More than the artist himself, Pitbull’s success derives from his ability to create a culture, a sense of community. “Music is a universal language” remained one of his core themes of the night as his audience was transported a decade back in to some the 2000s greatest hits. Mr.Worldwide’s most memorable moments was when he played those opening notes to his most infamous bangers. The whole crowd starts to scream in anticipation and excitement for the songs they have been dancing to since they were young enough to even move. 

The best feeling of a concert is the sense of community. Thousands of people with thousands of different life stories and backgrounds, but each and every one of them came together to listen to music and have a good time, forgetting everything before to enjoy this moment. Pitbull takes these euphoric moments to new heights with his dancing, his entourage, the effects, the bass, all creating a memorable and once-in a lifetime experience. The concert was truly just that: an unforgettable memory. 

So to Mr.Worldwide, thank you for your unforgettable songs, unforgettable messages, and unforgettable moves on that concert stage.