Germany celebrates Erntedankfest

AP German Class

Erntedankfest is the German equivalent of Thanksgiving, where Germans give thanks for the harvest. Many of the traditions of this German Thanksgiving are very similar to the ones here in the United States, some of these traditions include large displays of food, such as pumpkin or beet soup, as well as large parties. In Germany, they even have parades to celebrate this holiday of thanks, however it is much more traditional than things we’d see on the Macy’s Day Parade.
Erntedankfest was started as a religious holiday. Even today the celebrations are often sponsored by a local church. Erntedankfest is traditionally celebrated on the first Sunday in October, however, some places celebrate later in October.
A normal Erntedankfest is more of a rural celebration. Communities celebrate by holding things like county fairs, town gatherings, and more. When people wanted to give thanks, they filled a goat’s horn that was carved and filled it with grain and fruit and called it the Cornucopia or “the horn of plenty.” Celebrations are filled with community and feasts. Erntedankfest is also celebrated in more urban areas, and festivals are often sponsored by Catholic and Protestant churches.