Learning German offers many opportunities

German is a fantastic language to learn and is a skill that can be used and practiced every day. Throughout the world German speakers can be found all over, such as in scientific fields or business. Being proficient in German can help you communicate with people in various parts of your life as well as immersing you in a fantastic culture.

Learning German is not only interesting, but it also creates major opportunities later in your educational career. For example, if you do well in German over the course of all 4 years you could be only a few more credits away from a minor in college. Germany is a popular country for studying. Over 357,000 foreign students are working toward degrees in German Universities. A German University degree is highly valued by employers worldwide.

Over 100 million people speak German in Europe. It is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world! German can help you throughout your life when it comes to getting a job or getting around on your European vacation. Many American companies do business in Germany, so being able to speak

German can put you ahead of other applicants in an interview.

German is also a very important language for careers relating to science and research. Many inventions including the television, helicopter, bicycle, and tape were created in Germany.