Students visit colleges

The accumulating juniors and seniors have known the stress of choosing what they want to do after high school, whether that is going to college or not. For the students who have decided that they want to go to college, there are college visits that can be set up through the school program in order to let those students find the perfect school for them.
“College visits are the best opportunity for students to find what they want to do with their future at no cost,” said secretary for the college and career center Christine Applehans.
Students can start setting up their college visits at the start of junior year. All it takes it setting up a meeting with their counselor to go over what they are interested in looking into or setting up their visits through Naviance.
“Grayslake North has used Naviance for about ten years. It’s really easy for colleges to use and set for their visits with the school through there, and students can find their career clusters through the website,” said counselor Megan Stenberg.
A career cluster is a quiz that’s designed to find the student’s greatest strengths and weaknesses and helps them find what they would be most interested to look into after highschool.
There are also career visits available for students to be able find what they want to do if college isn’t the choice for them.
“I encourage students to utilize their counselors and check their school emails often. Grayslake North has many opportunities, and lots of those are sent through emails,” Stenberg said.
To any students looking for college visits, Naviance is always available to look through.
“I’ve been on eight college visits so far,” said senior Abby Mullen. “It’s important for students to physically visit the colleges they’re interested in, as they’re going to spend the next few years of their life there. You want to be comfortable with what’s going to be your temporary home.”
Students know the stress of having to decide what they want to do with their life after they graduate, but it doesn’t have to be such a stress inducing time in their lives. There are many resources that students can use, such as their counselors, college and career center, and Naviance. If a student has any questions about college visits, then they can go to the college and career center for help.