Recent matches bring victories for girls tennis

On Wednesday, September 18, JV and varsity played at home against Johnsburg. JV took home a victory of 4-0 because there were no singles players. Since Johnsburg only has a varsity team, everyone played varsity.
“Don’t underestimate tennis. A lot of people are like, ‘oh you play tennis,’ and laugh at you, but don’t underestimate it because it’s a very tough, and challenging sport, both physically and mentally,” said Vivian Swanson, a JV singles player.
Tennis is for everyone no matter what age, or gender. This year new and old players got to play and have had huge improvement. Everyone has different abilities that you have to adjust to, however that may be, and the most important thing to do is have fun while playing.
“(You) don’t have to be good at it to have fun at it. You have to believe in yourself even if you bomb it,” said varsity singles player Meg Georges.
Tennis is a competitive, difficult, mental, and fun sport. Tennis is many things, but it is also a sport where you need to be conditioned.
“If you’re not fit and you don’t have the endurance to make it, you could be the best tennis player in the world with the
best skill set, and you’ll lose matches because you’re not fit,” said Jill Tomasello, the varsity girls tennis coach.
This year tennis season has been filled with lots of adjusting. The Knights tennis team has lost one of the JV singles players due to injury and another has been moved up to varsity.
“(When rearranging the tennis line up), you have to take into account who is good with singles, who is good with doubles, and then people who haven’t worked together before,” said Ashley Kopecky, the JV girls tennis coach.