Green Room performs the musical “Fame”
Sophomore Lauren Hunt and senior Max Meredith perform the finale during their rehearsal.
While attending plays, musicals, or even just watching T.V. is entertaining, not many people truly understand the work that goes into constructing these activities. For junior Amelia Shingle, performing is something she is especially passionate about and makes her that much more appreciative of the hard work that goes into theater.
“Personally, I have always wanted to be in a musical, and being in this musical has been one of the most positive experiences of my life. I love all the connections that I’ve made with my cast and crew members. Performing is one of my biggest passions, and I’m so happy I get to share it with everyone who comes to the show,” Shingle said. “Hundreds and hundreds of hours and lots of ‘hard work’ were put into this musical to make it successful.”
For this year’s musical, the theater program is performing the musical “Fame,” which is set in the 80s.
“‘Fame’ is about a group of kids who get accepted into the school of performing arts in New York, also known to the students as the ‘Fame’ school. They all believe that they are going to succeed in the arts; however, with that comes drama, relationships, and a lot of challenges. The musical is very upbeat and energetic as these kids go through their journey in the ‘Fame’ high school,” Shingle said.
Although the decision for which musical is decided by the theater program’s sponsors, many of the kids involved in the musical became passionate about their activities despite the piece of work they are focused on.
“The decision for what the musical/play will be each year is decided by our sponsors, but I think we chose “Fame” in direct contrast with last year’s musical, ‘Into The Woods.’ Where ‘Into The Woods’ was a long, somewhat serious musical with complex orchestration and complex subjects, ‘Fame’ is a fun, feel-good show with plenty of singing and dancing,” said junior Sam Krischak.
For many, Green Room has given them a chance to meet new people and become more involved in school.
“I’ve been a part of Green Room for four years, and this year is actually my first musical I’ve auditioned for. Since it’s my senior year, I can’t miss out on this final opportunity to be a part of something that I may not be able to experience again in the future,” Wilson said.
The diversity that students in theater experience is what makes Green Room special to them. Each year gives students the opportunity to have different experiences with new people.
“My favorite part of this musical has been working with a vastly different group of performers than there was the past two years. With the strong group of seniors Green Room had last year, many of the underclassmen haven’t had the opportunity to be cast in the shows until this year, so being able to work with a new generation of Green Room’s performers has been a fun experience,” Krischak said.
The theater program has expectations they are wishing to meet for their show, and one of them simply includes giving their audience a good performance.
“The number one expectation that everyone has is to put on a great performance and making sure the audience, above all, is entertained. We want to provide a high quality show, and we’ve been putting a lot of time and effort into our rehearsals, and I think all that hard work is going to pay off,” Wilson said.
For incoming students, or even students that have been here for a decent amount of time, there are many ways to get involved with the theater program. There are auditions before each show and anyone can audition or participate behind the scenes.
“As Green Room Theatre Company, we put on three shows a year. At the beginning of each year, we hold auditions for the straight show, in which anyone can audition to perform or sign up to participate in the technical side of things,” Krischak said.