Soccer wins NLCC Conference Title

The varsity soccer team became the Northern Lake County Conference champions on October 2.
This brought them into regional play. North varsity soccer had a hard fought playoff game against Wauconda, but fell short 2-1. The playoff game was on October 17 at Antioch High School.
Coach DeCaluwe was proud of his team and how they performed overall the whole season and their accomplishment for winning Conference.
“We plan to take each game as they come, while in the end, we aimed to be Regional Champions and earn ourselves our third ever appearance in Sectionals,” said coach Adam DeCaluwe.
One of Coach DeCaluwe’s favorite moments happened on October 2, when North won a close 2-1 victory over Lakes.
“The game we beat Lakes to win Conference has to be my favorite moment from this season. Our boys performed so well and really put in quality and consistent energy and effort, working together to earn an incredible win over a very tough Lakes team. That being said, I enjoy every minute with our boys. They are great kids who want nothing more than to get better every day and compete for wins,” DeCaluwe said.
Senior Gabe Vallejo plays center back for the team, put in hard work during the offseason and played every single minute of the conference championship game and had the game winning assist to senior Will Meyer to lead the Knights to victory.
“I feel that this is one of the hardest working varsity line-ups North has ever had. There isn’t a trace of egoism among any of the players, and it’s exactly why we play so well together,” Vallejo said.
Senior Will Meyer, who had the game winning goal on Lakes, has had a fun season and happy how the team did overall this year
“We’ve definitely hit our stride going into the playoffs in two weeks, and I’m really looking forward to seeing what North’s varsity team could do next year,” Heuer said.