Student Council organizes “Around the World In One Knight”

Every year, Student Council chooses a new theme for the annual Homecoming dance and for spirit week. They work together with sponsors to plan everything down to themes, ticket sales, advertising, and the pep rally.

“Students should have a voice in what we do and how things run. I want them to enjoy the events we plan and make lasting fun memories. When people complain about not liking a theme or dress up day, my response is to come be a part of Student Council and let your voice be heard,” senior Student Council sponsor Jessica Baker said.

Along with Homecoming, Student Council plans to do more this year. As there are more students than sponsors, it can become
more student led.

“The ultimate goal of GNHS Student Council is for students to learn more about themselves and those around them. We take the approach of student empowerment, with the knowledge that every student is capable of being a leader,” Student Council sponsor Jacqueline Boratyn said.

As it becomes more student driven, sponsors will have leaders take on more responsibility and accountability.

“Each class is going to elect some leaders for their class, and each grade level class is going to have a turn running the meeting
for the whole group. We hope that giving students more ownership of the council will lead to more leadership opportunities.
You can’t be a leader if not given a chance,” Baker said.

“Homecoming is definitely one of my favorite events because of seeing students get excited for the amazing community
that they are part of and showing their school spirit,” Boratyn said.