Girls tennis works to achieve high expectations for upcoming season
The tennis team’s current wins are against Woodstock North and Johnsburg.
Varsity tennis has started their season off with an early record of 2-6.
“Hard work and persistence is a part of our everyday practice,” said varsity player Emma Indocoffer.
The varsity team has around 2-3 matches in a week. Every other day, including Saturday, they have practice.
“Our practices and matches are right after school every day at our courts,” Indocoffer said.
The team’s practices are two hours and end at 5:30 p.m.
“We have practice every day other than the matches. We start practice with stretches, two laps around the court, 10 minutes to warm up, followed by drills or practice matches, and we end every practice with running the mile,” said senior Paige Proesel.
“Matches can be anywhere from 2 to 4 hours long,” Indocoffer said.
The varsity tennis team’s hard work has gone for show with winning two matches so far.
“Matches start with a warm up, then we line up and shake hands with the opponent, followed by a 10 minute warm up and match start,” Proesel said.
The team has set goals for themselves and the team for the rest of the season to try to accomplish.
“Right now we are focusing on finding good doubles combinations and places for everyone on the team,” said head coach Jill Tomasello. “[We are looking forward to] making it to State this year.”