The marching band earned the opportunity to perform at Disneyland this spring. The band group comes together and works hard throughout the summer and school year which leads to a successful year.
Many schools compete in the audition to get the opportunity to march at Disney and show others the goals that they have achieved. This comes with many hours of hard work in and out of the band room. This year, Disney accepted North to perform.
“Approximately one year before your trip, you create an audition portfolio. This portfolio includes your school and band information and three videos of your band performing, which are preferably different styles that are 5 to 10 minutes each in length. You must also send photos of your marching band uniform, color guard uniform, and banner logo, full group shots, and close-ups.
The application process is incredibly competitive, and your portfolio must stand out,” said band director Candace Edstrand.
This year the band was able to make their first appearance at Disneyland, which was able to bring new memories. Along with the band having their first Disneyland appearance, the band was also able to get a performance at the Grove.
“This was the band’s first trip to California, and my favorite trip memories were being able to perform at the Grove and Disneyland,” said Candace Edstrand.
Band may be seen by many as just a class where students learn to play instruments and play music, but what many don’t know is that it is way more than that. Band is a place where people can be themselves and be able to build friendships and make memories that will last a lifetime. Being able to go on trips with people students have gotten close with over time will be most students’ best high school memories.
“The trip was great. I had a lot of fun running around the parks and trying out many rides with my good group of friends. These trips are always opportunities to create life-long memories and experience events that most don’t have the opportunity to take part in,’’ said band member Patrycja Potrzasaj.
For seniors who have gone on trips many times, they have made countless memories to last a lifetime. Although the journey is soon to come to an end, the ups and downs and the good memories will always hold a special place in students’ hearts.
‘’I will miss going on a trip with so many of my friends. I know I will go on trips with friends in the future, but never again will I have the same experience of just having fun with so many people near and dear to me,” said senior Rachel Garich.