The Math Team is working to expand their roster, finding new prospects who are interested in math. With a small but strong team, they use their advanced knowledge in math to work on learning new math concepts and completing old tests to improve their skills after school. Last year, they made State and qualified for State in two separate leagues, which shows their skill and dedication to the team. They’re striving to find the same dedication this year as well.
The Math Team works hard on Fridays after school to develop their math expertise in order to craft a well-rounded team for them to be able to compete at a high level in the NSML (North Suburban Math League) and ICTM (Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics).
“Last year, we won for our eight-person competition, and I think our juniors also won and qualified at least for State, and so we got to move all those downstate,” said co-sponsor and math teacher Alex DeGroh.
Winning a math competition takes a lot of practice, and as the Math Team has shown in previous years, they’re quite proficient at making the students well-adapted and well-rounded for the meets.
“We spend meetings having friendly competitions using previous tests and sometimes going over new math concepts,” said co-sponsor and math teacher Brett Veitch.
Only having done the NSML competitions so far, the team looks forward to future competitions so that they can show their expertise in the field of math. Though there are few team members, they have still made a big impact on the individual level, while also doing pretty well in their group competitions.
“So far we have only done NSML competitions and have scored well individually, but since there are so few people on the team, it has been hard to place highly as a school, although I believe we got second in our last competition. I’m looking forward to the ICTM competitions coming up and possibly State,” said freshman Christopher George.