Summer school increases course offerings
This year’s summer school has new classes for students to take: Intro to Business, Farm to Fork, and more.
“This summer we are offering a few new classes. We have an Intro to Business class that is for college credit and being held at the College of Lake County. Our Farm to Fork class is with
Chef Dowe and will be held both in our culinary classroom lab as well as at the farm we are partnering with. Lastly, students can do a summer career internship class,” said CTE department chair Gina Schuyler.
Most classes will be taken at Grayslake Central High School; one class is completely over Zoom.
“Most classes are in person. There is one completely remote class, and that’s a personal finance class that we are going to do during the second session in July, and that’s one hundred percent on Zoom.
This year almost all of our classes will be at Grayslake Central, so we try our best to alternate between North and Central, but our Farm to Fork class will be at North,” said summer school principal Robert Nicoletti.
The Intro to Business class will be held at the College of Lake County and taught by CLC professors.
“So our new course offering, the Business 121 class, is at CLC, and that’s run through CLC. It’s taught by CLC professors, but high school seniors are allowed to take it and receive credit for graduation,” Nicoletti said.
Other classes will be taught in the community as well.
“Intro to Business is held on the campus of CLC; Farm to Fork will be a combination of our culinary classes as well as the Liberty Prairie Farm; the internship class is help at any location a student is interning with (local companies). Engineering a Sustainable Future will be held at Liberty Prairie Farms in Grayslake. Our Personal Finance class will be held on Zoom,” Schuyler said.
There are two sessions of summer school, and some classes are just taken in one session.
“So we have two sessions of summer school. Session one starts June 12 and goes to June 29, and then session two starts July 10 and runs through July 27,” Nicoletti said.
Students are encouraged to join summer school to earn class credits and find classes they are interested in for their career pathway.
“Our summer school offerings allow students an excellent opportunity to explore their passions for career pathways. Many opportunities allow students to get a jump start on the career pathway endorsement process or help narrow down likes and dislikes. Students don’t know what they don’t know, and it’s our job to help provide students with opportunities to become familiar with more pathways of interest that could wind up being career choices or majors after graduation,” Schuyler said.