Mobile app development students take first place
Two seniors won first place at a competition and showcased their skills in developing an app
In the Mobile App Development course, students created an app for their end of semester final project. Students in the course submitted their apps to a screencast contest held by Mobile Makers EDU. Seniors Levi Adams and Kevin Scanlan took first place in the contest.
Competitions can be seen in many different views; winning is good and losing is bad are the most basic views. However, effort really does count, and it makes a difference. Due to their effort, Adams and Scanlan won the contest.
“This one was the first time ever that we’ve had a first place winner. So the two of those gentlemen are the top prize winners. I’m really, really proud of the guys, and I think it really shows. If you look at what the judges actually wrote about their app, two of the comments were talking about looking to hire the boys. If you’re out there doing it and proving that you can do this type of stuff, and they’re willing to hire you. And so, so it’s it’s really cool thing for these guys and our students to to hear that. If you can get your hands in it and learn how to do it, people are willing to pay you,” said teacher Adam DeCaluwe.
There are many different types of apps that can be created. The students in the Mobile Development course had a limited amount of time to create a well developed app on a topic of their choice.
“We made an app. It was a karaoke app that showcased the use of different audio features within iOS development,” Adams said.
There are different reasons why people take certain courses. It could be because they are interested in the field, it’s fun, or other reasons. Taking the app development course is beneficial for students to learn coding and technological skills.
“I wish more kids will take it. I really do. Really, to a certain extent, no matter what, what profession you’re going to, you’re going to end up working with apps. I think also our kids are much more tech savvy than they think they are. Way too often kids are are intimidated by the idea of programming and coding. I really wish more girls would take the class. They pay a premium for females in the industry. There’s not enough girls out there coding and developing product. Girls use apps just as much as guys do. There’s not enough girls that are out there coding it. I really wish more and more kids in general but definitely girls would get into it as well,” DeCaluwe said.
The contest that the boys participated in gave them many opportunities to showcase their talent, learn, and grow. While Adams and Scanlan won gift cards, mentoring time with a developer, and a t-shirt, Scanlan shared what he found to be the most important thing.
“While making that app, I learned that collaboration with your teammates is really key for big projects like this. If I hadn’t been able to work with my partner as well as I did, then I don’t think we would have been able to get the app done in time to the level that it was completed at. Just working with your teammates is really good to get the goals done,” Scanlan said.
There can be different motivations for creating an invention of some sort, in this case it was an app. The students had to create an app for a final project and submit it to a contest, but there was more to it.
“The contest was for creating an app that uses features not taught in the curriculum of the class. The contest took place through about December to January. We built the app in early December,” Adams said.
Entering into a contest is a good way to grow and improve from feedback as well as seeing work from different people. Competitions give good opportunities for people to improve and learn.
“They had a blog post that listed the top three winners. I can’t remember if they had any of the other videos. I didn’t watch them, but it might actually be useful to watch them so you can see what other people have to share,” Scanlan said.