Girls golf finishes a strong season
The team poses for a picture during “golden hour” after taking a win against Grayslake Central.
The girls golf team has had many ups and downs with this year’s season. Although the girls team was quite small this year, they brought in a better winning score than last year’s season. The team winning record this year was 4-10, placing 8th in this year’s Regionals match, while last year the record was 1-13.
A struggle the girls team had this year was having a smaller team than last year. After the split of connecting school Grayslake Central during the pandemic, the team had a decrease in girls which affected how they played as well.
“So having a smaller team allows us, I think kind of going off the last question, I get to work more one on one with you and see those like, help you in that central. If we ever had a large team, you might not always get help from a coach every single day or you might not get a check-in from a coach every single day. So having a small team lets us do that,” said coach Tom New.
“Some pros of having a small team is that everyone on the team was super nice, and we were all friends. There was no major drama on the team,” said junior Emma Carter
But a con is that our team currently is mainly made up of seniors and juniors, so once we graduate, there will be barely any girls on the golf team. We need to recruit more freshmen and sophomores to join the team next year,” Carter said.
There are so many good memories to be made from this team, and as a team going to dinner and taking the recently discovered BeReal picture, is a top favorite for the girls golf team.
“My favorite memory on the team was when our coaches didn’t know what BeReal was. and we asked them to take our BeReal, and it was so funny because they didn’t know it was happening. Or whenever we have team meals together, it’s a lot of fun to do those little team bonding activities,” Carter said.
“My favorite memories from golf will always be our many fast food dates with the team! We all have so much fun and have eaten out at a variety of spots; my favorite is for sure Fratello’s,” said senior Kelly Eppel.
Raising funds for the girls golf team has always been the easiest part due to how well the team communicates with each other and the websites they use.
“Our most recent fundraiser was on “snap raise” for our individual team budget. But I know that some of the girls on the team did some concession volunteer slots to raise money for the boosters as well,” Carter said.
“Snap Raise is a popular fundraiser that we did last year which helped out team raise a lot of money,” New said.
“Also volunteering for the boosters with concessions helps us throughout the season,” Eppel said.