Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
Diablo is back. The long awaited Diablo III expansion has arrived. The game takes place after the events in Diablo III. The mission your character has to accomplish is retrieving the black soul stone stolen by Malthael and return it to the angel Tyrael. Many improvements in the expansion of this saga have been made including new exciting better shading and a more rewarding gameplay. It also provides magnificent diversities in not only locations but enemy designs. This expansion gave even more anticipation with its crusader class which allows it to wield a normally two handed weapon in one hand and a shield in the other. It offers new attacks and new advantages. Yes, even shops in the camps have improved giving the option to enhance your items and wardrobe. One of the best things that this expansion holds is its new adventure mode. It lets you travel to any waypoint from all of the five acts. There are also side missions known as bounties that you can complete on the map. These not only give you rewards that increase in quality but allow you to get access into a nephalem riff. The only down point that this expansion has is that it is currently only available on pc leaving console gamers out of the lope. All together the amazing graphics and rewarding battles make Diablo III: Reaper of Souls a definite hit for Blizzard.