Students create Lego art murals around the hallways
Students in 2D Art and Creativity create murals on the walls in the hallways. Freshman Kaylee Slaton works on her mural during second hour.
Students taking 2D Art and Creativity are using tape to explore their creativity by modeling outlines of Lego characters throughout the building.
The purpose of this project is to let students create perspective and the illusion of a three-dimensional object. Students get to work with a partner and have fun designing an interesting character with a matching scene on their designated spot in the hallway. They have the entire space to create whatever they want.
Students enjoyed having time spent outside of the classroom creating their own unique characters throughout the halls, bringing their imaginative concepts to life.
“It was fun to kind of hang out in the hallways working with a partner,” said senior Anthony Morris.
Besides just having a fun break from the daily academic grind, the tape art in the walls does have an intended purpose. With this being the first full year back from the pandemic, teachers are trying to get students back into the school mindset, while adding fun to the hallway. This helps students to potentially see something they might like, or, more importantly, inspire them to want to create something as well.
“The main purpose is to get students to remain artistic and add to the creativity level in the hallway,” said art teacher Kelly Bott.
The art on the walls adds a fun touch to the hallways throughout the school and is visually appealing to the students and teachers.
“The tape art is very well done! I enjoy walking through the halls and seeing all the talent and imagination our students have, and they even inspire me to create something cool from ideas that I have,” said senior Jasmine Monda.